CSIRT-DSP is the national Cyber Security Incident Response Team for Digital Service providers. The tasks of the CSIRT-DSP are described in the Wet Beveiliging Netwerk Informatiesystemen (Wbni), which is the Dutch implementation of the European NIS-directive. The CSIRT-DSP has integrated with the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC). Therefore, from now on you can contact the NCSC for questions and support.
Digital service providers have a duty to report incidents that affect their network and information systems and a duty of care (to take security measures to protect their network and information systems). The NCSC provides support and advise to digital service providers. Besides that, the NCSC takes care to share current threats and vulnerability information with her constituency. The NCSC is working with digital service providers to make the Netherlands more digitally resilient. In order to achieve this, there is a close cooperation with the DTC and the CSIRT Network. If you have any questions or wish to get in contact with us, please check our contact details.
If you wish to submit a voluntary report or a mandatory report, you can do this via our website. You can also contact us 24/7 by phone. For urgent matters it’s advised to contact us by phone.